"The Force of the elements": the BIEMMEDUE event to celebrate 40 years of activity

It was a great Event, just like it wanted to be.

We are talking about the evening that was held on Saturday 21 September in the Central Square of the City of Cherasco, to celebrate a historic milestone for the Piedmontese company BIEMMEDUE: its first 40 years of activity!

We are talking about the evening that was held on Saturday 21 September in the Central Square of the City of Cherasco, to celebrate a historic milestone for the Piedmontese company BIEMMEDUE: its first 40 years of activity!

Cherasco, a city that saw the birth of this prestigious company back in 1979 and that over the years has been its important ally and companion, welcomed and acted as a stage for the Event, once again underlining the deep bond that has always united BIEMMEDUE with its territory and which has contributed, over the years, to making it one of the most important reference points for the economy and industry of Piedmont first, and then for that of the whole world.


A great Event that BIEMMEDUE has chosen to celebrate with all the most important figures of its past, present and future history, but also together with all its employees and collaborators, reinforcing once again that ancient concept of family that only large companies they know how to adopt, giving work a deeper and more unifying meaning.

The welcome appetizer, served in an elegant and refined setting, has allowed the many guests to "experience and experience" the work done over these 40 years, in an external showroom that brought all the BIEMMEDUE products on display, arranged around the square and divided by sector.


The evening then continued inside the tensile structure assembled for the occasion, which welcomed the gala dinner curated by star chefs Francesco Oberto (Da Francesco in Cherasco) and Fabrizio Tesse (Ristorante Carignano, Turin; Le Rei in Serralunga d ' Alba), in a menu that has retraced the typical Piedmontese flavors in a whole new way, giving a taste experience to all those present.


The opening of the event, led by the actress and model Ilaria Zoe Antonello, saw the "hosts" as protagonists, with the CEO Marco Costamagna, the partners Mariano Costamagna and Piero Costamagna who took the stage to give the welcome and thank all those present and then recount these first 40 years of activity and the many projects for the future.

40 years ago a company was founded as the pride of the city of Cherasco and of the Industrial Union of the Province of Cuneo - says Mariano Costamagna - Thanks to the Italian and foreign agents, customers and suppliers who have followed us over the years and believed in Biemmedue ... Thanks to the friends who celebrate with us the first 40 years of activity, we are already thinking about the next 40 so mark it on the agenda that you are all already invited ... Thanks to all the collaborators who over the years have worked to grow the company and make it what it is now, an important reality worldwide. Success is like a soup, many ingredients are needed to do something good, the attachment to the company I see in our collaborators is one of the ingredients of the company’s success and is also a reason for pride and distinction

At the end, the intervention of the Mayor of Cherasco Carlo Davico who, on behalf of the city of Cherasco, gave Marco Costamagna a "special plaque" with a dedication that reads: "To Marco Costamagna on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the BM2 SPA : with recurrence and admiration and the qualities of an entrepreneur, for having made the company grow, making it become economic and social pride of our territory, the attention and the support always shown towards the cultural, tourist and sporting activities of the city "


These first interventions gave way to the dinner, interrupted surprisingly by different artists who with their shows visually told the claim of the event "The Force of the elements".

Aria, in a magical display of aerial fabrics with an acrobat who, suspended in a void, astonished all those present with spectacular movements, gyrations and falls, giving rise to strange and showy positions.

Fire, in a suggestive show between juggling, fire-breathing and fire-eaters in a choreography of great scenic impact that has fascinated and involved.

Water, with a comic duo that involved the public with jokes and games, concluding with an ironic and amusing ballet.

Earth, in the exciting exhibition of "sand art", the art of creating dream images through the manipulation of grains of sand: using only hands, the two artists have retraced part of the history of BM2 through images forged on the sand and projected onto the monitor, in a suggestive and musical journey of moments that appeared and vanished merging one inside the other.

Union, commitment, work, future, history, family, passion and love are the values ​​that were breathed during the whole evening and that Marco Costamagna, CEO of BM2, expressed in a beautiful love letter that he wanted to dedicate to his company and that ended the evening

It has been 16 years since they introduced us, ours was metaphorically speaking of a lightning engagement because we didn’t choose ourselves, we didn’t have the time to get to know each other and hang out like in normal engagement relationships, which we were already married to. 1 July 2003. Frankly I would have preferred the 4th of July, date in which I celebrate all the fundamental recurrences of my life, but you couldn’t wait any longer. You like the cold but that none of us can guarantee you, so together we decided to differentiate both our core business by opening and discovering new markets and new applications in heating, both in the cleaning sector with the various acquisitions we have realized. Industrial realities that we have decided to transfer to Cherasco, but the family is not complete if we do not have children to look after, so here are the acquisitions of ARS and Mtm Hydro so that together we form a group that guarantees work for 400 people, because let’s face it, this is the most beautiful thing in our relationship, and the most important thing, being able to guarantee work to many families and try to worry about the well-being of our territory
Cristian Montà